On 14th August 2010, Ravi Ramanan, the leading member of Sarangati newsletter Editorial Team and youngest son of the Ashram President Sri V. S. Ramanan, was absorbed in Arunachala. Ravi faced his two year battle against
brain cancer with remarkable courage and dignity.
A Satsang was held at the Ashram President’s residence on Saturday the 21st of August 2010 on the eighth day of Ravi Ramanan’s Absorption in Bhagavan. Sri V.S. Ramanan, Susila Ramanan, Ranjani Ravi Ramanan, her mother Mangalam, daughters Rasika and Raksha, and many relatives and other devotees of Bhagavan were present.
Nochur Sri Venkataraman spoke on the occasion when he expressed his heart-felt feelings to Ranjani and other bereaved members of the family and proceeded to explain how devotees of Bhagavan may effectively face such a crisis in the light of Bhagavan’s teaching.
He began by saying that he knew the mental agony of one who loses a dear one, especially at a young age. His sister’s husband passed away young last year and the agony lingers in his heart. However, as devotees of Bhagavan we have no choice
but to listen to his words and live by them and attain the highest goal of life. Bhagavan’s own life and his teachings give us very precious insights into the phenomenon of death.
Bhagavan has poured his Grace on Ravi like a torrent. Ravi was totally devoted to Bhagavan and identified himself with the interests of the Ashram. It is for us to realize that Bhagavan’s ways cannot be comprehended by our finite minds and accept whatever happens. His basic teaching “Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it,” is like a mantra, which, when followed in actual practice, is sure to give us peace.
Bhagavan’s basic teaching, quoted above, is a Cosmic Law and death and birth happen in nature strictly according to that Law. Ravi’s illness and death were according to that Law.But Bhagavan’s arul (Grace) made it so sacred that his own parents and his wife could feel its sacredness and maintain an amazing inner calmness and composure at the moment of the happening and afterwards. This shows how deep was Ravi’s devotion to Bhagavan and how abundant is Bhagavan’s Grace on the whole family.
Source: http://www.sriramanamaharshi.org/pdf/Saranagathi_eNewsletter_September_2010.pdf
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