Translation by BonGiovanni1.2. Union is restraining the thought-streams natural to the mind.1.3. Then the seer dwells in his own nature.1.12. These thought-streams are controlled by practice and non-attachment.1.15. Desirelessness towards the seen and the unseen gives the consciousness of mastery.1.27. God's voice is Om.1.28. The repetition of Om should be made with an understanding of its meaning.1.30. Disease, inertia, doubt, lack of enthusiasm, laziness, sensuality, mind-wandering, missing the point, instability- these distractions of the mind...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
COMMENTARIES ON LIVING Second Series by J. Krishnamurti
Posted on 4:06 AM by Unknown
Creative happiness is for all and not for the few alone. You may express it in one way and I in another, but it is for all. Creative happiness has no value on the market; it is not a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder, but it is the one thing that can be for all. (p.2)After all, to be open to the source of all happiness is the highest religion; but to realize this happiness, you must give right attention to it, as you do to business. The teacher’s profession is not a mere routine job, but the expression of beauty and joy, which cannot be...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Swami Sivananda About Perfect Renunciation
Posted on 4:00 AM by Unknown
Vedanta does not want you to renounce the world. It wants you to change your mental attitude and give up this false, illusory `I-ness' and `mine-ness'. The snake charmer removes only the two poisonous fangs of the cobra. The snake remains the same. It hisses, raises its hood and shows its fangs. In fact, it does everything as before. The snake charmer has changed his mental attitude towards the snake. He has a feeling now that it has no poisonous fangs. Even so, you must remove the two poisonous fangs of the mind, namely, `I-ness' and `mine-ness'...
Important Couplets From Maitreya Upanishad
Posted on 12:56 AM by Unknown
Translated by Prof. A. A. Ramanathan Published by The Theosophical Publishing House, ChennaiI-8. When the mind is calmed down into its source and goes in the true path, the results dependent on activities are unreal as the objects of the senses are confounded (i.e. actions performed do not affect him as he is without attachment).I-9. It is the mind that constitutes worldly life; this should be purified. As the mind, so the things appear coloured by it; this is the eternal secret.I-10. By the purity of the mind one destroys (the effect of) good...
Important Couplets From Garbha Upanishad
Posted on 12:50 AM by Unknown
Translated by Dr. A. G. Krishna Warrier Published by The Theosophical Publishing House, ChennaiThe body is fivefold in nature (the five elements), existing in the five, depending on the six (tastes of food), connected with the six qualities (kama etc.,), seven Dhatus, three impurities, three Yonis (of excretion) and four kinds of food.Why say ‘Fivefold in nature ?’ The five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Ether. In this body, whatever is hard is of Earth, liquid is water, warm is fire, whatever moves about is air and space-enclosed is ether....
Friday, November 26, 2010
Important Couplets From Akshi Upanishad
Posted on 4:30 AM by Unknown
Translated by Dr. A. G. Krishna Warrier Published by The Theosophical Publishing House, Chennai5-6. Always one hesitates as regards the instinctive actions of the unregenerate; one never refers to what may compromise others, but attends to their righteous deeds. One does gentle deeds that pain none; always dreads sin and avoids all forms of sense-gratification.7. Such a one’s speech is informed by affection and love; it is lovely and fit, with due regard to time and place.8. With proper thought, act and speech, one waits upon the virtuous. Getting...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Important Couplets From Aitareya Upanishad
Posted on 10:49 PM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Gambhirananda Published by Advaita Ashram, KolkattaI-i-1: In the beginning this was but the absolute Self alone. There was nothing else whatsoever that winked. He thought, “Let Me create the worlds.”I-i-2: He created these world, viz. ambhas, marici, mara, apah. That which is beyond heaven is ambhas. Heaven is its support. The sky is marici. The earth is mara. The worlds that are below are the apah.I-i-3: He thought, “These then are the worlds. Let Me create the protectors of the worlds.” Having gathered up a (lump of the) human...
Swami Sivananda About Glory Of The Self
Posted on 1:47 AM by Unknown
Believe in the self. Draw power from within. Dive deep into the source and come back quite refreshed and invigorated. Have unshakable faith that nothing can ever overpower these. Chant Om Om Om when gloom tries to overpower these. Rejoice in thy own self. Have contentment in thy own self. Never seek happiness from outside.A timid man is unfit for the attainment of Self-realisation. Have no attachment for this mortal body of flesh and bone. Cast if off like slough, just as the snake throws away its skin. Be prepared to give up the body at any moment....
Important Couplets From Adhyatma Upanishad
Posted on 1:43 AM by Unknown
Translated by Dr. A. G. Krishna WarrierPublished by The Theosophical Publishing House, Chennai1. Superimposition is the thought, 'I' am and mine are the body, the senses, etc., which are all other than the Self. Through devotion to Brahman, the wise man should repudiate it.2. Knowing oneself to be the subject, the witness of intellect and its operations, reject the idea of the Self being other than the subject, identifying the 'I' with that (the subject).9. Locating the body-bound I-sense in the ever-blissful spiritual Self, renounce the subtle...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Important Couplets From Mandukya Upanishad
Posted on 1:05 AM by Unknown
Translated by Vidyavachaspati V. Panoli2. All this is certainly Brahman. This Self is Brahman. This Self, as such, is possessed of four quarters.3. (The Self) seated in the waking state and called Vaisvanara who, possessed of the consciousness of the exterior, and seven limbs and nineteen mouths, enjoys the gross objects, is the first quarter.4. (The Self) seated in the state of dream and called Taijasa who, possessed of the consciousness of the interior, and seven limbs and nineteen mouths, enjoys the subtle objects, is the second quarter.5. Where...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Important Couplets From Katha Upanishad
Posted on 11:24 AM by Unknown
Readers are requested to listen to Sri Sundara Chaitanya Swami gari pravachanamulu in telugu.There are totally 26 Volumes and each volume contains 6 Videos. Sri Sundara Chaitanya Swami supports Swami Vivekananda statement that "Say it is our nature and never say it is our duty what ever we do".Ignorance is Mithya which means it is like a mirage where though it is not there it seems to be there in us.Prasanth Comment: It means All great service oriented people who do...
Friday, November 19, 2010
Important Couplets From Annapurna Upanishad
Posted on 12:31 AM by Unknown
Translated by Dr. A. G. Krishna WarrierPublished by The Theosophical Publishing House, ChennaiI-13. Delusion appears five-fold; it will be presently set forth. Due to the first delusion, Jiva and God appear to have different forms.I-14. Due to the second, the attribute of agency dwelling in the Self appears to be real. The third (consists in) deeming the Jiva associated with the three bodies as having attachment.I-15. The fourth takes the world-cause (God) to be mutable. The fifth delusion ascribes reality to the world as distinguished from its...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Final Part -- Important Couplets From Adi Sankaracharya's VIVEKACHUDAMANI
Posted on 6:10 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Madhavananda And Published by Advaita Ashram, Kolkatta234. If the universe be true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived, it must be unreal and false, like dreams.258. That which is free from birth, growth, development, waste, disease and death; which is indestructible;which is the cause of the projection, maintenance and dissolution of the universe – that Brahman art thou,meditate on this in thy mind.266. In the cave of the Buddhi there is the Brahman, distinct from the gross...
Part 1 -- Important Couplets From Adi Sankaracharya's VIVEKACHUDAMANI
Posted on 5:51 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Madhavananda And Published by Advaita Ashram, Kolkatta2. For all beings a human birth is difficult to obtain, more so is a male body; rarer than that is Brahmanahood;rarer still is the attachment to the path of Vedic religion; higher than this is erudition in the scriptures;discrimination between the Self and not-Self, Realisation, and continuing in a state of identity with Brahman –these come next in order. (This kind of) Mukti (Liberation) is not to be attained except through the well-earned merits of a hundred crore of births.3....
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Final Part - Important Couplets From Vedanta Panchadasi By Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Posted on 1:27 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Swahananda Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai93. Just as many objects are seen in a picture, so the various names and forms exist in Brahman. By negating both names and forms, one can understand that what remains is existence, consciousness and bliss.94. Even though a man standing on the bank of a river sees his body reflected upside down in the water, he nevertheless identifies himself with his own body in the shore; similarly an aspirant after realisation of Brahman should know himself as Brahman.96. Different mental...
Part 8 - Important Couplets From Vedanta Panchadasi By Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Posted on 1:20 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Swahananda Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai9. Thus even in the mutual love between husband and wife the incentive is one’sown desire for happiness.10. A child, when kissed by its father, may cry, being pricked by the latter’s bristly beard, still its father goes on kissing the child – it is not for its sake but for his own.12. A merchant forces his bullock, though unwilling, to carry a load. He loves the bullock for his own sake, how can it be for the bullock’s ?60. A son is dearer than wealth, the body dearer than...
Part 7 - Important Couplets From Vedanta Panchadasi By Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Posted on 1:15 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Swahananda Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai49. The eagle rushes only to its nest hoping to find rest there. Similarly the Jiva eager only to experience the bliss of Brahman rushes to sleep.55. Just as what happens outside in the street may be called external and what is done inside the house internal, so the experiences of the waking state may be called external and the dreams produced inside the mind and the nervous system may be called internal.56. The Shruti says: ‘In sleep even a father is no father’. Then in the...
Friday, November 5, 2010
Part 6 - Important Couplets From Vedanta Panchadasi By Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Posted on 6:39 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Swahananda Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai48. Or, if he has no worldly desires, he is born in a family of Yogis who have pureintellect due to their practice of enquiry into the nature of Brahman, for such a birth is hard to obtain.81. A student, diligent in reciting the Vedas, reads or recites them even in his dreams through the force of habit. Similarly, one who practises meditation, continues it even in his dreams.84. A woman devoted to a paramour, though engaged in household duties, will allthe time be dwelling...
Part 5 - Important Couplets From Vedanta Panchadasi By Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Posted on 6:20 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Swahananda Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai244. After a man has realised the nature of the rope, the trembling caused by theerroneous idea of the snake disappears gradually only and the idea of the snake stillsometimes haunts him when he sees a rope in darkness.247. In the example already cited, the tenth man, who may have been crying andbeating his head in sorrow, stops lamenting on realising that the tenth is not dead;but the wounds caused by beating his head take a month gradually to heal.255. Let the ignorant people...
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