Once Nochur Venkataraman was invited to a primary school in Thrissur, Kerala to speak about Bhagavan Ramana. He went to a class of small children. He asked one of them: Who are you? 'I am Hari'. How do you know that you are Hari? 'My mother tellsme!' Then suddenly rains started pouring. The lights went off.The windows and doors were closed.It was quite dark. Then,Nochur Venkataraman asked the same child: Who you are you? Hari replied:'I am Hari.' How do you know you are Hari, your mother is not here. It is quite dark. The child replied...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Nochur Venkataraman introduction of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi to school children in kerala
Posted on 1:41 PM by Unknown
Ramana Maharshi Explains Why The Self, Though Ever-present Is Not Being Realised
Posted on 8:53 AM by Unknown
Talk 201.The Parsi ladies asked for an illustration to explain why the Self,though ever-present and most intimate, is not being realised.Maharshi cited the stories of (1) Svakanthabharanam katha - the story of the necklace, on the neck itself, not being detected; (2) Dasama - of the ten fools who counted only nine, each of them omitting to count himself; (3) the lion’s cub, brought up in a herd of goats; (4) Karna not knowing his real parentage and (5) the king’s son brought up in a low-class family.They further asked for Maharshi’s opinion of...
Ramana Maharshi About Different Types Of Samadhis
Posted on 4:01 AM by Unknown
The following brief definitions formulated by Bhagavan Ramana should be sufficient to guide the uninititated through the terminological jungle of samadhi.1. Holding on to reality is Samadhi.2. Holding on to reality with effort is Savikalpa Samadhi.3. Merging in reality and remaining unaware of the world is Nirvikalpa Samadhi.4. Merging in ignorance and remaining unaware of the world is sleep.5. Remaining in the primal, pure, natural state without effort is Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Sahaja Samadhi.Source: Talks With Ramana MaharshiQuestion :...
Posted in kevala, kevala nirvikalpa, sahaja, sahaja nirvikalpa, sahaja samadhi, Samadhi
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Few Important Verses Of Sri Devi Mahatyam Regarding Emotions
Posted on 3:25 AM by Unknown
Mind is there for every living being.Ordinary mortals do not worry about mind. They live as per their minds' command.They prosper and ruin. The seekers after the Truth only are worried about their minds. They want to control the mind, conquer the mindand then rest in Peace. What is Mind? Bhagavan Ramana says there is no mind. In some other place, He says: Kill the mind.The Mind is Prakriti, it is Maya, it is Sakti. When Maya stays with Brahman she is Mahamaya. She is concorporate with Siva as Siva-Sakti. Sri Lalita Sahasranamam starts...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
It is the mind which creates duality
Posted on 12:16 AM by Unknown
It is the mind which creates duality. There may be two different Jnanis, one who has never read anything or one who has read many things. At the end of the day, both had attained Jnana. It is the mind which binds and not the reading per se.Bhagavan Ramana did not read anything worth but He had to read many things after Self realization, for the sake of others.So He clearly said in Who am I? -There is no use in reading measure-lessly.One has to unlearn or forget, at some point of time,all that one has learnt.He made this 'concession' since He...
Friday, February 26, 2010
If this life itself is a dream then does Ramana Maharshi exist only in that dream?
Posted on 10:32 AM by Unknown
Question: Ramana says “Waking is long and a dream short; other than this there is no difference. Just as waking happenings seem real while awake, so do those in a dream while dreaming."If this life itself is a dream then1) Does even Ramana or for that matter whoever is replying to this question exist only in my dream?2) Does it mean I'm (self) all alone and everything else including all people and things is fictitious?3) So the teachings provided by Ramana and other gurus are happening in my dream only? Answer: There is an elephant in the forest.The...
Ramana Maharshi explains regarding Prarabdha for a Jnani
Posted on 5:27 AM by Unknown
On 2.8.1939, Sri Annamalai Swami himself asked Bhagavan Ramana:"Bhagavan! You have said that once a person abides in Jnana, he has no three karmas, Prarabdha,Agami and Sanchita.But Kaivalya Navaneetam says that even a Jnani has to undergo the effects of Prarabhda. How is it?"Bhagavan Ramana replied:"Since Prarabdha has been declared to a person even before his attaining Jnana, the onlookers say that a Jnani should also undergo the effects of Prarabdha. There are several examples given in scriptures.1.Like an arrow that had left the bow upon a...
Ramana Mahashi's Advice To a Vaishnavite
Posted on 12:32 AM by Unknown
One Sri Vaishnavite asked him, what should he do to realize Narayana.Maharshi : You pray to him and meditate on him.Devotee: After that, what will happen?Maharshi : You will go to Narayana and be in his august company with other such devotees, singing his glory.Devotee: After that, what will happen?Maharshi : If Narayana is quite pleased with you, he will call you one day, very close to him and tell you: Please enquire Who am ?Devotee: I can do that even here!Maharshi : And that is what I want you to do here and now!Readers Interested are requested...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Ramana Maharshi's disciple says root of Prakruti is Purusha, the Self or the Brahman
Posted on 11:39 AM by Unknown
All the five elements viz., earth, water, fire, air and Space are the aspects of Prakruti, Maya, Mother Unnamulai. Mind,Intellect and Ego are also her making. She gives all these and plays with the living beings.The root of Prakruti, is thePurusha, the Self or the Brahman. The Brahman and Maya are concorporate. But the Brahman can live without Maya and not vice versa. All the Maya swarupam contains misery, dhukkam. But this is conferred by her only to enable the living being to attain the Brahman.Once there was some discussions in the Old Hall.The...
Bhagavan Ramana's Avatara Rahasyam
Posted on 4:51 AM by Unknown
Just as Bhagavan Ramana never specifically mentioned about His guru, He was also silent about whether He was a avatara or reincarnation of any specific God. Viswanatha Swami in his 109 Holy names of Bhagavan Ramana says:He is equivalent to Sri Dakshinamoorthy.He always sits facing south as Sri Dakshinamoorthy.He is Kumara, means only a son or more specifically Skanda.He is owner of armies. Here again Skanda is called Senani,the owner of gods' armies, Deva Sanathipathi.But all these names have many interpretations.Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni was...
Ramana Maharshi tells to give advice only when we are aware of it
Posted on 4:12 AM by Unknown
Once an old lady working in the village came to see Bhagavan Ramana in the Hill. She was in great distress, all sorts of family problems. Bhagavan Ramana went near her and asked about her difficulties. The old lady tearfully explained everything. Bhagavan Ramana paused for a while and asked her: "Do you get these problems, when you are deep asleep?" The lady said: "No, Swami!" Bhagavan Ramana then said: "It is because your mind is quelled during your sleep and no problems appear there. Why not you try to be in that state of quiscent mind,without...
Incident Related To Ramana Maharshi's Mother Azhagamma Stopped Observing Madi Purity)
Posted on 2:01 AM by Unknown
Once Bhagavan Ramana was staying in the Skandasramam.Mother Azhagamma had joined Bhagavan at that time.There were also Kunju Swami and Ramanatha Brahmachari with Him.It so happened one day, several labourers who were picking twigs for fire, became tired due to hot sun and came to Skandasramam. They all told Bhagavan Ramana: "Swami, give us some water. Give us some food also if you can!"Bhagavan Ramana told Kunju Swami to bring the available food from inside. Kunju Swami hesitated and said: "Bhagavan! Amma has not yet taken food....." Bhagavan...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Reason Why Ramana Maharshi Devotees Did Not Allow Their Guru To Touch Seeds
Posted on 2:06 AM by Unknown
In Palakottu, through which Bhagavan Ramana used to stroll for a while everyday, it was quite hot during summer. There were no trees. The devotees had made out some pits, and they wanted to plant the seeds for growing trees. On the appointed day, the seeds were taken on a plate, and the devotees requested Bhagavan Ramana to pick up a seed and plant it first. Bhagavan Ramana smiled at them and was about to pick a seed. Radhakrishnan,cousin of T.R. Kanakkamal, rushed from behind and told Bhagavan:"Bhagavan! Do not touch the seeds. If you touch,...
Monday, February 22, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Views About Disturbances During Meditation
Posted on 8:50 AM by Unknown
On 10th May 1946, Krishna Jivrajani said to Bhagavan:During Sadhana I feel that something is going up. Is that right or should it go down?Bhagavan: Never mind, whether something goes up or down.Does it exist without you? Never forget that. Whatever experience may come, remember who has the experience and thus cling to "I" or the Self.Jivarajani: Suppose there is some disturbance during meditation,such as mosquito bites, should one persist in meditation and try to bar the bites and ignore the interruption or drive the mosquitoes away and then...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Few Devotees Who Came to Jnana Marga With Help of Ramana Maharshi
Posted on 10:31 AM by Unknown
Bhagavan Ramana is the complete Brahma Jnana Guru.Different people from different walks of life, having practised different sadhsas come to Him and He did suitable midcourse corrections to bring them around to the self enquiry. Sri Krishna Bhikshu lists out such devotees in his Sri Ramana Leela. 1. Pazhani Swami was the first one. He was an innocent bhakta,totally devoted to Bhagavan Ramana. He did not do much of reading and Bhagavan Ramana had to read the books and explain for his sake. He even tried to quell his mind in the Heart, at the...
Ramana Maharshi Devotee M. V. Krishnan Shares Few Incidents
Posted on 9:20 AM by Unknown
ON August 29, 1896, Venkataraman (later Sri Bhagavan) left Madurai for Tiruvannamalai. One week later,Munagala S. Venkataramiah, later known as Ramanananda Saraswati, went home from Madurai to Sholavandan and told his mother that a brahmin boy who was studying in Madurai at an adjoining school had run away from home. At that time he little realised that he was to meet this runaway boy later in 1918 at Skandasramam and that he was to become his disciple, live in close proximity of Sri Bhagavan from 1933 to 1950, and be the compiler of Talks with...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Atma Vichara and Vaisaradhi Buddhi
Posted on 4:53 AM by Unknown
One who has destroyed the darkness born of ignorance of the Self, who is bubbling with the joy of self experience and who has totally withdrawn from all inquisitiveness etc., is spoken as a Jivan Mukta. Nine releases are told in the Sastras:1. Jihasa Nivritti - nothing to discard.2. Jijnasa Nivritti - nothing to know.3. Prepsa Nivritti - nothing to attain.4. Chikeersha Nivritti - nothing to do.5. Bhaya Nivritti - freedom from fear.6. Aasha Nivritti - freedom from desire.7. Shoka Nivritti - ...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Ramana Maharshi answer to group of people who wants to Eradicate Atheism
Posted on 9:15 AM by Unknown
The ghost of atheism once started dancing wildly even in Tiruvannamalai, where Bhagavan resided.A group of Vedic scholars who were interested in protecting the eternal religion (Sanatana Dharma) approached Bhagavan. One of the foremost Vedic scholars was their leader.They bowed to Him, saying , "The Vedic religion has been firmly rooted in this land of Bharata (India) since time immemorial. It has been nurtured by Maharshis themselves since ancient times.This is the reason why each one of the sub-groups of the Vedic religion has a Maharshi as...
Ramana Maharshi Devotee Maragathavalli "Andavan Pichhai"
Posted on 1:09 AM by Unknown
Her name "Andavan Pichhai", which she assumed in later life, means ‘mad for God’.Andavan Picchai was born in Mylapore, Madras, on September 6th 1899. Her birth name was Maragathavalli, and she was the second child of T. Sankaranarayana Sastri and Sitalakshmi. About three years later her mother, Sitalakshmi died and her husband remarried shortly afterwards. However, it seems that he did not have much time either for his new wife or his children since he was perpetually engrossed in his studies and his spiritual practices. The children spent a lot...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Answer To Can A Man Realize His Self In The Dream State?
Posted on 6:16 AM by Unknown
Dr. Haribhai writes:I went to Sri Ramanasramam, in 1946, for Bhagavan's darshan.I put a question to Bhagavan: "If waking and dream states are not different, can a man realize his Self in the dream state?" To this Bhagavan graciously replied:"First realize the Self in the waking state. And then raise the question!" Source: Arunachala's Ramana, Boundless Ocean of Grace,Volume 6. Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai.)Readers interested are requested to read below articles as wellhttp://prashantaboutindia.blogspot.com/2009/05/michael-james-about-n...
Few Lessons From Bhagavan Ramana's Life
Posted on 5:40 AM by Unknown
K.R.K. Murthy writes in Arunachala's Ramana, Boundless Ocean of Grace, Volume 6:1. Once there was a discussion about the foodstuffs such as onions, drumsticks, carrots etc., which orthodox people avoid.Bhagavan Ramana remarked that they may do good to the body but not to the mind. They may purify the blood and benefit the body but they rouse passions and are not helpful for the purification of the mind, chiddasuddhi.2.Giving up certain fruits, nuts or other foodstuff dear to one,during the pilgrimages to holy places like Kasi, is one of the practices...
Final Part - Ramana Maharshi Devotee Sub-Registrar Narayana Iyer
Posted on 4:58 AM by Unknown
There were occasions on which Sri Bhagavan took special notice of him, for instance, when a cinema picture was about to be shown in the dining hall at 5 p.m., Bhagavan declined to go there till Sri Narayana Iyer, who was expected at 7 p.m. arrived, consequently a large number of people who had gathered in the hall had to wait for a long time. There were other instances also. Though deeply involved in the affairs of the ashram and having different views, he continues to visit the ashram regularly and is well known to one and all.One morning at about...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Part I - Ramana Maharshi Devotee Sub-Registrar Narayana Iyer
Posted on 2:02 AM by Unknown
Narayana Iyer was a devotee who came to scoff, but remained as a worshipper. Before he met Bhagavan he was an out and out sceptic with no religion in him. He considered sannyasins and sadhus to be impostors and parasites and felt that no one, however great, had the right to accept the homage of others. But a chance meeting with Bhagavan wrought a complete transformation in this doubting Thomas and turned him into a staunch devotee.Dr Ramakrishna Iyer was his friend, philosopher and guide. Like Narayana Iyer, this doctor was also working in Chetpet....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Devotee Sadhu Trivenigiri Swami
Posted on 10:28 AM by Unknown
WHEN I was in Tiruchendur in 1932 it came to my mind that I should regard all women as my mother or Valli if I was intent on leading a spiritual life. One evening, I went to the Shrine of Sri Subramanya and stood for half an hour before the Moolavar (main deity) and the following words flashed into my consciousness: "Here I am a God who does not talk. Go to Tiruvannamalai; Maharshi is a God who talks." This was how Maharshi's Grace manifested itself to me. I had not even seen Maharshi then.In December 1932, I wrote to Ramanasramam and got the reply...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Ramana Maharshi answers Why does he take milk, but not eggs?
Posted on 9:54 PM by Unknown
4th February, 1935Talk 24.Mrs. Piggott: Why do you take milk, but not eggs?Maharshi: The domesticated cows yield more milk than necessary for their calves and they find it a pleasure to be relieved of the milk.Devotee: But the hen cannot contain the eggs?M.: But there are potential lives in them.D.: Why then the restrictions of food given for such?M.: Your present experience is due to the influence of the atmosphere you are in. Can you have it outside this atmosphere? The experience is spasmodic. Until it becomes permanent practice is necessary.Restrictions...
Ramana Maharshi says The real Heart is not located anywhere
Posted on 5:03 AM by Unknown
In describing the origin of the ‘I’-thought Bhagavan sometimes said that it rose to the brain through a channel which started from a centre in the right-hand side of the chest. He called this centre the Heart-centre and said that when the ‘I’-thought subsided into the Self it went back into the centre and disappeared. He also said that when the Self is consciously experienced, there is a tangible awareness that this centre is the source of both the mind and the world. However, these statements are not strictly true and Sri Ramana sometimes qualified...
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