A boy of about 18 years of age came here on a cycle from some place. After sitting inthe hall for a quarter of an hour, he went to Bhagavan and asked, “After crossing Omkar, where to merge?” With a smile Bhagavan said, “Oh, is that so? Wherefrom did you come now? Where will you go? What is it you want to know? Who really are you? If you first tell me who you are, you can then question me about Omkar.” “I do not know that even,” said the boy. Then Bhagavan said, “You know for certain that you are existent. How are you existent? Where really were...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ramana Maharshi says If a Practice Is Natural We Feel Uncomfortable At Changing It
Posted on 1:01 AM by Unknown
12th December, 1945One morning, during the usual conversations the topic turned on Bhagavan’s mother coming away to live with him and on her manner of life, and Bhagavan spoke to us asfollows:“Mother began coming here frequently and staying with me for long periods. You know I always address even beasts and birds in a respectful manner. In the same way, I used to address Mother also with the respectful form of speech. It then occurred to me that I was doing something hurtful. So I gave up the practice and began addressing her in the familiar way....
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sri Ramakrishna Quotes on Truth
Posted on 2:41 AM by Unknown
Live in the world like an ant. The world contains a mixture of truth and untruth, sugar and sand. Be an ant and take the sugar.Even those engaged in worldly activities, such as office work or business, should hold to the truth. Truthfulness alone is the spiritual discipline in the Kaliyuga.If a man holds to truth he will certainly realize God.The world is indeed a mixture of truth and make-believe. Discard the makebelieve and take the truth.The feeling of ego has covered the Truth. Narendra once said, 'As the "I" of man recedes, the "I" of God...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Ramana Maharshi About Ahalya's Curse
Posted on 12:38 AM by Unknown
INDRA APPROACHED AHALYA (wife of Gautama) taking the form of Gautama and she yielded without knowing that he was not her husband. Without ascertaining the truth, Gautama cursed her to become a stone. Angered thereby Ahalya said, “Oh,you fool of a Muni! Without enquiring into the truth, you have cursed me and have not even stated when I shall be free from the curse. Tell me, when will the curse end and how? Why not have some consideration for me and tell me at least that?” Gautama thereupon told her that she would be released from the curse at the...
Ramana Maharshi Suggests To Do Quite Piety
Posted on 12:36 AM by Unknown
THERE WAS A king with a devoted queen. She was a devotee of Sri Rama and yearned that her husband should similarly be a devotee. One night she found that the king mumbled something in his sleep. She kept her ears close to his lips and heard the word ‘Rama’ repeated continually as in japa. She was delighted and the next day ordered the minister to hold a feast. The king having partaken of the feast asked his wife for an explanation.She related the whole occurrence and said that the feast was ingratitude to God for the fulfilment of a long cherished...
Ramana Maharshi Says Jivanmukta Does Not See Anything Separate From The Self
Posted on 12:34 AM by Unknown
SRI BHAGAVAN WARNED the hearers against the mistake of disparaging a jnani for his apparent conduct and again cited the story of Parikshit. He was a still born child. The ladies cried and appealed to Sri Krishna to save the child. The sages round about wondered how Krishna was going to save the child from the effects of the arrows (apandavastra) of Asvattama. Krishna said,“If the child be touched by one eternally celibate (nityabramachari) the child would be brought to life.” Even Suka dared not touch the child. Finding no one among the reputed...
Ramana Maharshi About Maratha Saint Bhakta Ekanath
Posted on 12:31 AM by Unknown
A discussion in the hall centred on the story of Kulasekhara Alwar, which had appeared in the Vision magazine. During a Harikatha, Kulasekhara identifyinghimself so completely with the situation of the story, felt it his duty as a worshipper of Rama to at once hasten to Lanka and release Sita. He ran to the sea and entered it to cross over to Lanka, when Rama appeared with Sita and Lakshmana and showered His grace on him. This led others in the hall to remark, “Some Maratha saint also did a similar thing. He leaped up to the roof, I think.” Thereupon...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Ramana Maharshi About Saint Dattatreya
Posted on 12:33 AM by Unknown
A KING WAS passing through a forest in all pomp and pageantry, with his army and retinue behind him. He came across a man with not even a cod-piece on, lying on the ground,with one leg cocked over the other. He was laughing away,apparently supremely happy, contented with himself and all the world. The king was struck with the man’s happy state and sent for him. But when the king’s men approached the nude ascetic and delivered the king’s message, he took absolutelyno notice and continued in his ascetic bliss. On being told of this, the king himself...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tripura Rahasya Discusses About Jnanis Of The Lowest,Middle Class And Highest Order
Posted on 1:09 AM by Unknown
Jnanis of the lowest order also enjoy pleasure and pain like the ignorant, but their remembrance of such experiences is frequently broken up by intervals of realisation. Thus worldly experiences do not leave an impression on their minds.Jnanis of the middle class, accustomed to control their minds by long-continued austerities, keep their minds in check even while experiencing pleasure and pain, and thus their response to the world is as indistinct as that of a man in sleep, to a gentle breeze playing on him or an ant creeping over his body.Jnanis...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tripura Rahasya Tells Distinction Between Deep Sleep And Samadhi
Posted on 1:01 AM by Unknown
There are two states of mind:(1) Illumination and (2) Consideration.The first of them is association of the mind with external objects and the second is deliberation(Careful consideration) on the object seen.Illumination is unqualified by the limitations of objects: deliberation is qualified by the limitations pertaining to the objects seen, and it is the forerunner oftheir clear definition.[Note: The mind first notes a thing in its extended vision. The impression is received only after noting the thing in its non-extensive nature, and becomes...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Final Part - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:52 AM by Unknown
677 When one has learned to love the company of sages, why all these rules of discipline? When a pleasant cool southern breeze is blowing, what need is there for a fan?678 Fever is overcome by the cool light of the moon; want by the wish-yielding tree; and sin by the holy Ganges. Those three – fever and want and sin – all flee at the august sight of the peerless sage.679 Holy rivers, which are only water, and idols, which are made of stone and clay, are not as mighty as the sages are. For while they make one pure in the course of countless days,...
Part24 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:50 AM by Unknown
645 The statement in revelation that prarabdha karma survives is only in conformity with the view of the ignorant. From their point of view, those actions have results, because in their view the sage is embodied.But this is only in some stray contexts. More emphatically in many places the Vedantas support the teaching of the sages.646 The vedantic text, ‘The pleasant and unpleasant effects [of actions] do not affect the sage, who dwells bodiless as the Self,’ shows the unfruitfulness of the actions of the sage.This is also confirmed by the following...
Part23 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:49 AM by Unknown
621 In the course of life the sage, who has transcended all the yogas, being established in the supreme state, may live like a yogi, or even like a bhogi, but that yoga and that bhoga are not real.‘Bhoga’ means enjoyment, and a bhogi is one, such as a householder, who lives for enjoyment. Some sages, like Ribhu, have been without any ashrama, which is a particular, prescribed mode of life. Such a one is called an atiasrami. The next topic concerns the pair of opposites, bondage and freedom.622 The pair of bondage and freedom, which are spoken of...
Part22 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:48 AM by Unknown
595 The first Guru [Dakshinamurti], who taught those great munis by silence the truth of his own supreme state, and who afterwards appeared as the great Guru, Sri Sankaracharya, is himself our Guru, Sri Ramana [Bhagavan].This should be self-evident.A notion prevails among the people that a sage or a perfected man must be able to perform miracles. These miracle-working powers are called siddhis. The word literally means ‘gain’ of something. The sages make a difference between these so-called siddhis and the real siddhi, whereby the whole of samsara...
Part21 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:47 AM by Unknown
567 In those who are ignorant,the real Self appears to have become circumscribed and made finite by the sheaths.The real Self, infinite like the sky and completely free from all limiting factors, is the state in which none of the sheaths remain.It is the sheaths that create the false sense of finiteness for the soul.The Buddhist teaching of nirvana is next compared with this state.568 Guru [Ramana] has said that the state of nirvana that was taught by Buddha to be the state in which samsara and suffering are ended is the same as remaining in the...
Part20 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:44 AM by Unknown
537 The power there is in the silence of the Guru is immeasurable. Hence, teaching by silence is the highest there is. In this way alone does the aspirant’s mind obtain peace.There is the question about initiation. What is true initiation?538 It is said that initiation is of three forms, namely, looking, thinking and touching with the hand. But the highest initiation consists of the Guru remaining in the supreme silence. So says our Guru.The supreme state is called silence.539 Because that state is taught by silence, and also because it is attained...
Part19 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:42 AM by Unknown
The imperfections that beset life in samsara are transcended. It is shown in the supreme state reached by the sages.559 For the sage who dwells in the state of non-duality, fear and desire do not arise as they do in an ignorant one. Desire and fear are unavoidable for those who are deluded by seeing differences.560 The sentence, ‘Fear arises from a second entity’, shows that seeing duality is the cause of fear. No creature whose Self has been apparently stolen by the belief in the reality of differences is ever free from fear.561 ‘The sage who...
Part18 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:41 AM by Unknown
512 Bhagavan Vasishta has said: ‘If one separates the body [from oneself] and remains at rest in one’s own Self, which is consciousness, then one’s ego-sense perishes.’ That is, he attains the egoless state.What happens when the quest is thus persisted in long enough?513 The mind, seeking the Self, gets captured by some mysterious inner power and dives into the Heart. There the mind, being consumed by the consciousness-light of the Self, ceases to exist, along with the ego.What is this power?514 That power is indeed the grace of God, who is the...
Part17 - Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad By Lakshman Sarma
Posted on 7:40 AM by Unknown
481 The devotee or the seeker of the Self who becomes discouraged by the thought ‘When shall I attain the natural state?’ hinders progress on the path of deliverance by having such a thought.482 The aspirant for deliverance must be full of enthusiasm, with his mind in the sattvic mood. He should engage in this quest, remembering the teaching that time is unreal.483 Always and everywhere there are doorways for getting at the question ‘Who am I?’ By any one of these the seeker must again and again engage his mind in this quest.The nature of the answer...
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