D: That means the manonasha or the ahamkara nasha. The destruction of the mind or of the ego you speak of is then not an absolute destruction.M: Yes. The mind gets clear of impurities and become pure enough to reflect the truth, the real Self.This is impossible when the ego is active and assertive.Source: Book Extracts (Sat-Darshana-Bashya and Talks with Mahars...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Says Manonasha(Destruction Of The Mind) Is Not Absolute Destruction
Posted on 1:43 AM by Unknown
Ramana Maharshi Says Even When We Have Thoughts We Feel The Presence With Pure Mind
Posted on 1:42 AM by Unknown
D: This seems to contradict the statements that the Self is beyond the mind, that the mind cannot know Brahman, that it is beyond thought and speech (avangmanasagochara).M: That is why they say that the mind is two fold: there is the higher pure mind as well as the lower impure mind. The impure mind cannot know it but the pure mind knows. It does not mean that the pure mind measures the immeasurable Self, the Brahman. It means that the Self makes itself felt in the pure mind so that even when you are in the midst of thoughts you feel the Presence,...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Posted on 4:54 AM by Unknown
Mind alone is the whole world, with its pains, old age, death, sin, earth, water, fire, air and ether, and all the internal organs. Mind binds man. He who has controlled his mind is a veritable god on earth. We live in a world of thoughts. First there is the thought, and then there is the expression of that thought through the organ of speech.Thought and language are intimately connected. Loving thoughts uplift and encourage others. Unkind thoughts, thoughts of anger, bitterness and malice injure others. Thoughts are things. Sound, touch, taste,...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Disciple SilentGreen about Universal Consciousness: Beyond all limitations
Posted on 8:09 AM by Unknown
Sri Ramakrishna said:"God has form and He is formless too. Further, He is beyond both form and formlessness. No one can limit Him."No can can limit the Universal Consciousness.If someone thinks that only recluse can get Self-Realisation, a Lahiri Mahasaya is born.If someone thinks that only devotees of Siva can get God-Realisation, a Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is born.If someone thinks that only men can get God-Realisation, a Maa Anandamayi is born.If someone thinks that God cannot be realised through idol worship, a Ramakrishna is born.If someone thinks...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Suryanarayana Raju: Witnessing consciousness in Self-inquiry keeps the mind in its proper place
Posted on 2:12 PM by Unknown
Hindus say offer the flower of your mind (mano pushpa) to God.They are right.There is a great insight in that.Unless we put away our mind in the initial stages as an offering to God through surrender we cannot find the way to our own "Self" which is veiled and hidden under the mind.Mind is the greatest biological evolution.It has not to be thrown away in the waste paper basket in the name of spiritual discipline.It is a great instrument given as a gift to us by the existence.But we have to find the master who can use it.This is here Self-inquiry...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Puthana's Liberation
Posted on 8:50 AM by Unknown
Puthana is the demon, sent by Kamsa to kill young child Krishna, when he was hardly 2 years old in Gokulam. The demon came in the guise of a beautiful woman, with largebreasts, which she had smeared with dangerous poison.She came to feed Krishna and without even asking mother Yasoda's permission, she took Krishna on her laps and gaveher right breast for suckling.Krishna the all-knowing, sucked her right breast in such a way that she started crying: Munja, munja, alam, alam.... She died and suddenly the form became a large lady of gigantic proportions....
Seven Words On the Cross by Jesus Christ
Posted on 6:03 AM by Unknown
1. The first word: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do," is the supreme example of forgiveness as Jesus interceded for those who scoffed at Him.2. The second word: "Verily I say unto Thee. Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise," was addressed to one of the two malefactors who were crucified on either side of Him. One repented and asked for forgiveness and Jesus assured him that he was forgiven.3. The third word: "Woman behold your son!" addressed to the weeping mother Mary, demonstrated the filial care and responsibility by...
Final Part - Few Teachings Of Ramana Maharshi
Posted on 2:37 AM by Unknown
To say that one is apartfrom the Primal Sourceis itself a pretension;to add that one divested of the egobecomes pure and yet retains individualityonly to enjoy or serve the Supreme,is a deceitful stratagem.What duplicity is this --first to appropriate what is really His,and then pretend to experience or serve Him!Is not all this already known to Him?It is enough that one surrenders oneself.Surrender is to give oneself upto the original cause of one's being.Do not delude yourselfby imagining such a sourceto be some God outside you.One's source is...
Part 2 - Few Teachings Of Ramana Maharshi
Posted on 2:31 AM by Unknown
We misapprehend the ego and call it intellect or mind.Being of the nature of Bliss,why does one continue to crave for happiness?To be rid of that craving is itself salvation.The Scriptures say, "You Are That."The imparting of that knowledge is their purpose.The Realization must beby your finding out who you areand abiding as That, i. e., your SelfTo be repeating "I am that"or "not this" is a waste of time.For the worthy disciplethe work lies withinand not without.There was no "I" thought in your sleepwhereas it is present now.The true "I" is not...
Part 1 - Few Teachings Of Ramana Maharshi
Posted on 1:58 AM by Unknown
"Glory to Sri Ramana the Sage,Who firmly established in devotionto the Lotus-feet of Arunachaleswara,can undo the evil of the world andthe misery of those who take refugein Him. Glory to Ramana,glowing with merciful love for all.""Bhagavan Sri Ramana's Realization is unique and unparalleled in the annals of history.He realised in his boyhood the Eternal Truth,the Self Supreme, without the aid of initiationby any external Guru, without the need fortheoretical knowledge and without any study of the Scriptures, and without having resortedto any ritualistic...
Few Poems On Ramana Maharshi
Posted on 1:47 AM by Unknown
"As for myself, my body is weakand shakes while walking; my mindhas grown very dull; the Vedic MantrasI have forgotten; old age has overtakenme; and my eyes are dim. Though learned,I remain ignorant. O Sad-Guru Ramana,Save me!Wantonly inflated by the pride of beingthe lord of all the senses, the mind doesnot see its true Lord seated in the heart.Till now, looking on life as the ultimate,I have not achieved the Goal. Ah! whenSad-Guru Ramana, shall I realize the Self?In the world what was pleasing always perished. But the miserable mind alwaysruns...
Sri Ramakrishna Quotes on Divine Love
Posted on 12:56 AM by Unknown
The one goal of life is to cultivate love for God, the love that the milkmaids, the milkmen, and the cowherd boys of Vrindavan felt for Krishna.Faith and devotion. One realizes God easily through devotion. He is grasped through ecstasy of love.The means of realizing God are ecstasy of love and devotion – that is, one must love God.The point is, to love God even as the mother loves her child, the chaste wife her husband, and the worldly man his wealth. Add together these three forces of love, these three powers of attraction, and give it all to...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Famous Quotes from Thirukkural
Posted on 8:31 AM by Unknown
• Smile, with patience, hopeful heart, in troublous hour and vanquish grief; nothing hath equal power. (Kural No.: 621)• The stalks of water-flowers are proportionate to the depth of water; so is men's greatness proportionate to their minds (Knowledge). (Kural No.: 595)• Defer not virtue(The quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong) to another day; receive her now; and at the dying hour she will be your undying friend. (Kural No.: 36)• Avoid an act which you may repent later; If done by mistake, better not to repeat it....
Can the mind do Self-inquiry? By Sri Surya Narayana Raju
Posted on 5:57 AM by Unknown
Above Photo of Dr Raju was taken At the entrance of JK centerThe mind cannot do Self-inquiry, because whatsoever the mind can do will strengthen the mind. Any doing on the part of the mind makes the mind more strong. So Self-inquiry by the mind is impossible.Mind doing something means mind continuing itself -- so that is not in the nature of things. But Self-inquiry happens through watching the mind, not by doing anything.The watcher is separate...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Final Part - Reality In Forty Verses (Ulladu Narpadu) : Supplement
Posted on 5:12 AM by Unknown
20. The Lord whose home is the interior of the Heart-Lotus is extolled as Lord of the Cave. If by force of practice the feeling ‘I am He, I am the Lord of the Cave’ becomes firmly established,as firmly as your present notion that you are the ego isestablished in the body, and thus you stand forth as that Lord of the Cave, the illusion that you are the perishable body will vanish like darkness before the rising sun. (composed by Bhagavan,employing the ideas of two verses found in the PrabhulingaLeela, v. 45, 46, Kannada)21. When Rama asked, ‘Which...
Part 1- Reality In Forty Verses (Ulladu Narpadu) : Supplement
Posted on 3:42 AM by Unknown
Reality in Forty Verses: SupplementInvocationThat which is the Support, the Soul, the Source, the Purpose and the Power of all this world, the Reality behind all this Appearance, That indeed exists. Let That, the Truth, abide in our Heart. (Yoga Vasishta, 8, v.12)The Text1. In the company of sages, attachment vanishes; and with attachment, illusion. Freed from illusion, one attains stability, and thence liberation while yet alive. Seek therefore the company of sages. (from Bhajagovindam, the “Mohamudagaram Hymn,” by Shankaracharya)2. Not by listening...
Final Part - Reality in Forty Verses (Ulladu Narpadu)
Posted on 3:05 AM by Unknown
17. To those who do not know the Self and to those who do, the body is the ‘I’. But to those who do not know the Self the ‘I’ is bounded by the body; while to those who within the body know the Self the ‘I’ shines boundless. Such is the difference between them.18. To those who do not know and to those who do, the world is real. But to those who do not know, Reality is bounded by the world; while to those who know, Reality shines formless as the ground of the world. Such is the difference between them.19. The debate, ‘Does free will prevail or fate?’...
Part 1 - Reality in Forty Verses (Ulladu Narpadu)
Posted on 2:48 AM by Unknown
Once Bhagavan ramana composed twenty Tamil stanzas containing his important teachings. They were not written in any particular order to form a poem. Sri Muruganar therefore suggested that Bhagavan should write twenty stanzas more to make it the conventional forty. Accordingly, Bhagavan composed twenty more stanzas. Out of these forty, Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni selected two as the invocatory stanzas. Then Bhagavan wrote two more to complete the forty. Some of the stanzas were translations from Sanskrit, but as devotees wanted all the forty verses...
Pure awareness--Ego awareness and Self-inquiry By Sri Surya Narayana Raju
Posted on 2:32 AM by Unknown
Above Photo of Dr Raju Garu is taken In the garden of JK center.Suppose on a plain paper we mark a zero with a pencil,we feel that zero mark is really zero.If we carefully observe even when we think that mark of pencil indicates zero with no value its background is plain paper which is there even before marking zero by the pencil and it will be there even after erasing the pencil mark of zero.Similarly on the screen of awareness for functional purpose...
Final Part - Thus Spake Ramana
Posted on 12:51 AM by Unknown
Devotee:Being always Being-Consciousness-Bliss, why does God place us in difficulties? Why did He create us?Bhagavan: Does God come and tell you that He has placed you in difficulties? It is you who say so. It is again the wrong ‘I’. If that disappears there will be no one to say that God created this or that.source: Talk 197People would not understandthe simple and bare truth.--the truth of their everyday,ever-present and eternal experience.That Truth is that of the Self.Because they love mysteryand not the bare truth,religions pamper them.Only...
Part 3 - Thus Spake Ramana
Posted on 12:46 AM by Unknown
The questioner asked again: "But first of all we must find a Guru who can give us sufficient practice and thereby enable us to get rid of these gunas, mustn't we?""If we have the earnestness to get rid of these qualities can we not find a Guru? We must first have the desire to get rid of them. When once we have this the Guru will himself come, searching for us; or, he will somehow manage to draw us to himself. The Guru will always be on the alert and keep an eye on us; Iswara himself will show us the Guru. Who else will look after the welfare of...
Part 2 - Thus Spake Ramana
Posted on 12:42 AM by Unknown
You see how you are actingwithout your intention to do so?The Gita says that a mancannot remain without acting.The purpose of one's birth will be fulfilledwhether you will it or not.Let the purpose fulfill itself.Everyone is the Selfby his own experience.Still, he is not aware,he identifies the Self with the bodyand feels miserable.This is the greatest of all mysteries.One is the Self!Why not abide as the Selfand be done with miseries?In dreamless sleep, there is no world,no ego, and no unhappiness,but the Self remains.In the waking state, there...
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