Translated by Swami Swahananda Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, ChennaiIII. THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE FIVE SHEATHS3. The body which is produced from the seed and blood of the parents, which are in turn formed out of the food eaten by them, grows by food only. It is not the Self, for it does not exist either before birth or after death.5. The vital airs which pervade the body and give power and motion to the eyes andother senses constitute the vital sheath. It is not the Self because it is devoid ofconsciousness.6. That which gives rise to the...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Part 2 - Important Couplets From Vedanta Panchadasi By Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Posted on 1:42 AM by Unknown
Part 1 - Important Couplets From Vedanta Panchadasi By Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Posted on 1:17 AM by Unknown
Translated by Swami Swahananda Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, ChennaiI. THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE REAL PRINCIPLE3. The objects of knowledge, viz., sound, touch, etc., which are perceived in the waking state, are different from each other because of their peculiarities; but the consciousness of these, which is different from them, does not differ because of its homogeneity.4. Similar is the case in the dream state. Here the perceived objects are transient and in the waking state they seem permanent. So there is difference between them.But the...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Describes About Gandhiji’s Thought-free Experience
Posted on 1:37 AM by Unknown
The subject of silence and the thought-free state came up again after Bhagavan had cited, with great approval, a passage by Gandhi in which the latter had given a description of his own experience of this state:Sri Bhagavan referred to the following passage of Gandhiji in the Harijan of the 11th instant:‘How mysterious are the ways of God! This journey to Rajkot is a wonder even to me. Why am I going, whither am I going? What for? I have thought nothing about these things. And if God guides me, what should I think, why should I think? Even thought...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
How I Discovered the Awareness Watching Awareness Method by Michael Langford
Posted on 4:30 AM by Unknown
By the year 2001, I had been studying the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi for 27 years, from age 15 to age 42. I had read around 2,000 spiritual books from the various paths, etc. and I had seen many teachers. Reading those spiritual books, from so many different traditions, was a waste of time, because only Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Muruganar, Sri Sadhu Om and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj teach the Direct Path.I had, during that 27-year period, placed emphasis on studying the books “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi” and “The Collected Works of Ramana...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Posted on 4:32 AM by Unknown
Yoga and Science are inseparable. Science and Religion are inseparable. Science is part of Religion. Science and Religion are necessary correlatives. Scientists are also monists in one sense.They also emphatically declare that there is only one thing viz., Matter or Energy.A Yogi tries to control the mental forces,a scientist the physical forces. This is all the difference between a Yogi and a scientist. A scientist is also an unconscious Raja-Yogi, but his mind works in external grooves.Before the invention of watch, Yogius used to calculate time...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Swami Vivekananda about Jesus And His crucifixion
Posted on 6:19 AM by Unknown
Q. A man in the audience said, "If ministers stop preaching hell-fire, they will have no control over their people."A. They had better lose it then. The man who is frightened into religion has no religion at all. Better teach him of his divine nature than of his animal.Q. What did the Lord mean when he said, "The kingdom of heaven is not of this world?"A. That the kingdom of heaven is within us. The Jewish idea was a kingdom of heaven upon this earth. That was not the idea of Jesus.Q. Do you believe we come up from the animals?A. I believe that,...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Swami Sivananda Gives Simple And Impressive Proof For The Existence Of Soul
Posted on 5:18 AM by Unknown
You say in daily life, 'my body,' 'my Prana,' 'my mind,' 'my Indriya.' This clearly denotes that the Self or Atma is entirely different from body, mind, Prana and Indriyas. Mind and body are your servants or instruments. They areas much outside of you as these towels, chairs, cups are. You are holding the body just as you hold a long walking stick in your hand. You are the possessor or proprietor of this body. The body is your property or possession. The body, the senses,the mind, etc., are not the soul, but belong to it.Purify the mind. Control...
Swami Sivananda Proves Existence Of God From The Study Of Nature
Posted on 5:14 AM by Unknown
Who provides food for the little frog that lives hidden between the strata of rocks?Who has clothed the fruits with skin to prevent contamination from outside? Who divided the season? Who made the water warm beneath the ice to enable the fishes to live comfortably in the icy regions of the Himalayas, and other places? Who has combined four parts of nitrogen with the one part of oxygen?At whose command does the sun rise in the morning and set in the evening? The sun is92,830,000 miles away from the earth. What a great wonder that from such a long...
Swami Sivananda Proves Existence of God by the study of mind and its functions
Posted on 5:12 AM by Unknown
Unless there exists one continuous principle equally connected with the past, presentand future, or an absolutely unchangeable Self which cognizes everything, we are unable to account for remembrance, recognition and so on, which are subject to mental impression on place, time and cause. The Self is distinct from and superior to ideas, because the ideas require an ultimate principle which unites and connects them, while the Self is itself the ultimate Principle which renders the cognition of the ideas possible.The Manas (mind) is an organ of sensation...
Swami Sivananda Proves Existence Of God Through Facts About This Physical Body
Posted on 5:09 AM by Unknown
The insentient engine of a railway train cannot move without a qualified driver. Evenso this insentient body-engine cannot move without an intelligent driver, who is God or Ishvar.From the existence of the body you can infer the existence of the hidden driver of the body-engine.There is display of intelligence in every inch of creation. Who pumps blood into the arteries? Who converts food into chyle and red-coloured blood? Who effects the peristalsis in the bowels and stomach and controls the process of assimilation and elimination. Who shuts the...
Final Part - GOD EXISTS By Swami Sivananda
Posted on 5:00 AM by Unknown
An atheist says that there is no God. But that knower who knows the non-existence ofGod is Brahman.A Sunyavadin says that there is only Sunya (void). But that knower who knows theSunya is Brahman (God).Who sees the defects in the Sun —whether it shines brightly or whether it is obscured by clouds? It is the eye. Who sees the defects in the eye whether there is cataract or not? It is the Buddhi (intellect). Who sees the defects in the Buddhi whether there is confusion or clarity? Who illuminates the Buddhi? It is Aham (infinite “I”). This “Aham”...
Final Part - Ashtavakra Gita translated by John Richards
Posted on 1:05 AM by Unknown
What remains to be done by the man who is pure awareness and has abandoned everything that can be expressed in words from the highest heaven to the earth itself? 18.69The pure man who has experienced the Indescribable attains peace by virtue of his very nature, realising that all this is nothing but illusion, and that nothing is. 18.70There are no rules, dispassion, renunciation, or meditation for one who is pure receptivity by nature, and admits no knowable form of being. 18.71For him who shines with the radiance of Infinity and is not subject...
Part 5 - Ashtavakra Gita translated by John Richards
Posted on 12:55 AM by Unknown
He by whom inner distraction is seen may put an end to it, but the noble one is not distracted. When there is nothing to achieve what is he to do? 18.17The wise man, unlike the worldly man, does not see inner stillness, distraction, or fault in himself, even when living like a worldly man. 18.18Nothing is done by him who is free from being and non-being, who is contented, desireless, and wise, even if in the world's eyes he does act. 18.19The wise man who just goes on doing what presents itself for him to do, encounters no difficulty in either...
Part 4 - Ashtavakra Gita translated by John Richards
Posted on 12:37 AM by Unknown
Ashtavakra said:My son, you may recite or listen to countless scriptures, but you will not be established within until you can forget everything. 16.1You may, as a learned man, indulge in wealth, activity, and meditation, but your mind will still long for that which is the cessation of desire, and beyond all goals. 16.2Everyone is in pain because of their striving to achieve something, but noone realises it. By no more than this instruction, the fortunate one attains tranquillity. 16.3Happiness belongs to noone but that supremely lazy man for whom...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Part 3 - Ashtavakra Gita translated by John Richards
Posted on 7:21 AM by Unknown
Ashtavakra said:Abandon desire, the enemy, along with gain, itself so full of loss, and the good deeds which are the cause of the other two -- practice indifference to everything. 10.1Look on such things as friends, land, money, property, wife, and bequests as nothing but a dream or a magician's show lasting three or five days. 10.2Wherever a desire occurs, see samsara in it. Establishing yourself in firm dispassion, be free of passion and happy. 10.3The essential nature of bondage is nothing other than desire, and its elimination is known as liberation....
Part 2 - Ashtavakra Gita translated by John Richards
Posted on 5:57 AM by Unknown
Ashtavakra said:Knowing yourself as truly one and indestructible, how could a wise man possessing self-knowledge like you feel any pleasure in acquiring wealth? 3.1Truly, when one does not know oneself, one takes pleasure in the objects of mistaken perception, just as greed arises for the mistaken silver in one who does not know mother of pearl for what it is. 3.2All this wells up like waves in the sea. Recognising, "I am That," why run around like someone in need? 3.3After hearing of oneself as pure consciousness and the supremely beautiful, is...
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