----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Point 1: The body’s wisdom is a good entry point into the hidden dimensions of life, because although completely invisible, the body’s wisdom is undeniably real—a fact that medical researchers began to accept in the mid-1980s. The former view was that the brain’s capacity for intelligence was unique. But then signs of intelligence began to be discovered in the immune system, and then in the digestive...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Important Points From The BOOK of SECRETS Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
Posted on 12:40 PM by Unknown
Deepak Chopra says after seeing Apoptosis At Work No one can really remain a materialist
Posted on 12:37 PM by Unknown
Phenomenon called apoptosis says “For every cell there is a time to live and a time to die.” Apoptosis is programmed cell death, and although we don’t realize it, each of us has been dying every day, right on schedule, in order to remain alive. Cells die because they want to. The cell carefully reverses the birth process: It shrinks, it destroys its basic proteins, and then it goes on to dismantle its own DNA.Bubbles appear on the surface membrane as the cell opens its portals to the outside world and expelsevery vital chemical, to finally be swallowed...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Deepak Chopra says Science is God explaining God through a human nervous system
Posted on 11:09 AM by Unknown
When people argue that there is no scientific proof that the universe is conscious, my immediate response is, “I am conscious, and am I not an activity of the universe?” The brain, which operates on electromagnetic impulses, is as much an activity of the universe as are the electromagnetic storms in the atmosphere or on a distant star. Therefore, science is one form of electromagnetism that spends its timestudying another form. I like the remark that a physicist once made to me: “Science should never be considered the enemy of spirituality because...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Deepak Chopra Explains that there is concept of one reality
Posted on 11:32 AM by Unknown
Example 1 : caterpillar turning into butterfly what goes on invisibly inside the chrysalis remains deeply mysterious. The caterpillar’s organs and tissues dissolve into an amorphous, souplikestate, only to reconstitute into the structure of a butterfly’s body that bears no resemblance to a caterpillar at all. Science has no idea why metamorphosis evolved. It is almost impossible to imagine that insects hit on it by chance-the chemical complexity of turning into a butterfly is incredible; thousands of steps are all minutely interconnected. (It’s...
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Deepak Chopra Says there there is no way to prove existence of an outside world
Posted on 11:32 AM by Unknown
Any neurologist will assure you that the brain offers no proof that the outside world really exists and many hints that it doesn’t.All the brain does, in fact, is to receive continuous signals about the body’s state of chemical balance,temperature, and oxygen consumption, along with a crackling stream of nerve impulses. This mass of raw data starts out as chemical bursts with attached electrical charges. These blips run up and down a tangled web of spidery nerve cells, and once a signal reaches the brain, like a runner from the edge of the Empire...
Deepak Chopra Reveals Few Unexplained Facts
Posted on 11:24 AM by Unknown
Desert birds living by the Grand Canyon bury thousands of pine nuts in widely scattered locations along the canyon rim. They retrieve this stored food during the winter, returning precisely to the nuts each one buried and finding them under a deep layer of snow.Salmon born in a small stream that feeds the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest swim out to sea. After several years spent roaming vast distances of ocean, they return to spawn at the precise place where they were born, never winding up in the wrong stream.Little children from several...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Important Points From Deepak Chopra "Life After Death" Book
Posted on 10:53 AM by Unknown
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=> Twenty four transformations of Prakriti are:5 basic elements earth water fire air Ether5 sense objects smell taste sight touch sound5 sense organs nose tongue eye skin ear5 organs of action mouth hand leg anus urethra4 subtle organs mind ...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Part 1 - Ramana Maharshi Devotee V. Ganapati Sthapati (1927|2011)
Posted on 11:33 AM by Unknown
Born in 1927, V.Ganapati was the son of Sri Vaidyanatha Sthapati and Smt.Velammal. His father was the builder of the Mathrubhuteswar Temple at Sri Ramanasramam. In the following article the late V.Ganapati Sthapati writes about the two Maharshis to whom he attributes his enormous success in restoring and elevating the status of traditional Hindu architecture in modern Indian society and throughout the world.During my boyhood, from 1939 to 1949, my father Sri Vaidyanatha Sthapati, was working as the architect and builder of the Sri Mathrubhuteswara...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Posted on 10:25 AM by Unknown
Sri Sundara Chaitanya Swami gari pravachanam in telugu 6 Volumes where each volume contains approx 9 videos each.http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=AnnapoornaStotram+Volume6&aq=fNote: Sri Sundara Chaitanya Swami says he pity for people who says my aim is to act in movies always or my aim is to dance always or my aim is to sing.Reason he pity because they cannot get happiness when they are not doing those habits.nityánandakarè varábhayakarè saundaryarathákarènirdhütákhila doúpávanákari pratyaqkúamáheùvarèpráleyácalavamùapávanakarè káùèpurádhèùvarèbhikùám...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Part 1 - Ramana Maharshi Devotee Maurice Frydman
Posted on 12:41 PM by Unknown
Born a Polish Jew in Warsaw in 1901, Frydman learned Russian, German, Polish and Hebrew in school until he migrated to Paris to take up study at the Sorbonne, where he learned French and English in order to complete his degree in electrical engineering. After graduation he took up a position as a research engineer in a large Paris manufacturing firm. It was during this period that a fateful encounter took place between Frydman and Sir Mirza Ismail, the Dewan of Mysore. When Frydman began enthusiastically questioning the Dewan about India, Sir...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Lingza Chokyi's Near-Death Experience In Tibet
Posted on 12:37 PM by Unknown
http://www.near-death.com/experiences/buddhism02.html A curious phenomenon, little known in the West, but familiar to Tibetans, is the delok. In Tibet, delok means returned from death, and traditionally deloks are people who seemingly "die" as a result of an illness, and find themselves traveling in the bardo - one of many Tibetan Buddhist afterlife states. They visit the hell realms, where they witness the judgment of the dead and the suffering of hell, and sometimes they go to paradises and Buddha realms. They can be accompanied by a deity, who...
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