Readers are requested to listen to Sri Sundara Chaitanya Swami Gari Pravachanam in telugu. are totally 14 Volumes and each volume contains 10 videos.Homage to Guru:Before we start any vedic or mantra chanting, it is necessary that we pay homage to our Guru and secure His blessings to start and successfully complete the chanting / Japam etc.,Those who have not yet identified a Guru can chant the following sloka instead and think of the Supreme Almighty...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dr Surya Narayana Raju About Role Of Thoughts In Our Daily Life
Posted on 12:30 AM by Unknown
Our nature is thought-free,actionless,non-dual Self consciousness "I am".It is the basic form of Self consciousness.It is adjunct free.This essential Self consciousness "I am" when mixed with adjuncts like body and mind,a compound consciousness results which is devoid of Self knowledge i.e this compound consciousness has only object knowing capacity without the knowledge of the nature of basic form of consciousness.This compound consciousness is mind centered around the imaginary experience of ourselves as a body.To function in the phenomenal reality...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Says Bad Habits And Bad Conduct Are Like A Wound In The Body
Posted on 12:47 AM by Unknown
Q: Sankara says we are all free, not bound, and that we shall all go back to God from whom we have come as sparks from a fire. Then why should we not commit all sorts of sins?A: It is true we are not bound and that the real Self has no bondage. It is true that you will eventually go back to your source. But meanwhile, if you commit sins, as you call them, you will have to face the consequences of such sins. You cannot escape them. If a man beats you, then, can you say, `I am free, I am not bound by these beatings and I don't feel any pain. Let...
Ramana Maharshi Says Unless The Realization Is Eternal It Cannot Be Much Helpful
Posted on 12:41 AM by Unknown
Q: Many visitors here tell me that they get visions or thought-currents from you. I have been here for the last month and a half and still I have not the slightest experience of any kind. Is it because I am unworthy of your grace?A: Visions and thought-currents are had according to the state of mind. It depends on the individuals and not upon the universal presence. Moreover, they are immaterial. What matters is peace of mind.What is realization? Is it to see God with four hands, bearing a conch, a wheel and a club? Even if God should appear in...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Disciple About Self-inquiry---Witnessing consciousness--Pure Awareness
Posted on 11:20 AM by Unknown
The body-mind complex of human being is a product of evolution.During the process of that evolution that entity gathers so many habits and tendencies that survive the physical death.Mind will not be free of those tendencies and the consciousness of mind is limited and apparently imprisoned by those tendencies unless they are spent up by the mental and physical activity.So the tendencies are the source of mental activity and so physical activity as well.So every human being is born with innate tendencies and he is getting identified with those tendencies...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Disciple About Destruction of the mind (Manonasa).
Posted on 12:00 PM by Unknown
If the mind is cleared of tendencies there is no obstruction to the reflection of effulgence of self and in vedantic jargon it is called manonasa(destruction of the mind),it should not be understood as a literal destruction. Mind will be there but ego is annihilated. It is the tendencies that cause spurious growth of the ego which interferes with the reflection of self effulgence.Destruction of tendencies amounts to destruction of the ego. In English it is termed as no mind state(Amanaska state in vedantic jargon).In this state all physiological...
Ramana Maharshi Disciple About Brahman And Jiva
Posted on 12:16 AM by Unknown
The drop in the ocean is never separate from the ocean even when drop thinks that it is separate from ocean. All spiritual practices are aimed at removing the false notion that you are separate from your ocean of self.There is no need to unite drop and the ocean, because in the first place they are never separate and cannot be separated. The notion that drop is separate from the ocean is just imaginary and all disciplines which aim at uniting the drop with the ocean are also imaginary. You are a wave in the ocean and the wave is never separate...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Swami Sivananda Tells To Shave The Mind
Posted on 4:49 AM by Unknown
The mind is the all in all. Its mastery leads to the renunciation of all. True renunciation is in the abnegation of the mind. It consists in renouncing all desires and egoism, not world existence. Through such mental abnegation you will be able to free yourself from pain. Then will come immortality in life - the enjoyment of the infinite delight of existence free from ego, founded on the oneness of all in Brahman.Sanyasa (renunciation) is a mental state only. It is gerua (or colouring) of the heart and not of the cloth alone. He is a sanyasi who...
Suryanarayana Raju: To stop running after thoughts and to sit in the source of being is the Art of Self-inquiry
Posted on 1:05 AM by Unknown
Psychologically we all know how to run after thoughts uninterruptedly 24/7 and we go on cultivating the thoughts.Thinking is a functioning of the mind.Mind is not a thing.It is a process of minding,thinking.Its basic nature is to fragment the consciousness.Mind is a crowd with many,many self contradictory openings.Man is poly psychic,a parliament of minds.So we cannot be total with the mind.The crowd in it is not a fixed crowd but a changing crowd.Every moment something is added and something is lost.We can never go beyond the mind if we go on...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Ramana Maharshi About Maya And Mind
Posted on 12:35 AM by Unknown
D: It is stated that the existence of the world is false,an illusion, Maya, but we see the world day after day.How can it be false?B: By false it is meant that the conception of the world is a superimposition on reality, as the idea of a snake is superimposed on the reality of a rope, in darkness (in ignorance). That is Maya, illusion.D: What is Maya? Illusion?B: Seeing ice without seeing that it is water is illusion,Maya. Therefore saying things like killing the mind or anything like that also has no meaning, for after all mind also is part and...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Final Part - Tales Of Ramana Maharshi Recounted By Chalam
Posted on 11:29 AM by Unknown
A devotee wanted to take a photo of Bhagavan together with Ganapati Muni. Bhagavan consented, and a carpet was spread near the well, on which a sofa was put for Bhagavan to sit on. Ganapati Muni sat down at his feet, but Bhagavan asked him to sit by his side. Ganapati Muni was reluctant, but Bhagavan lifted him up and made him sit on the sofa. The photo was taken, and some prints were made and distributed amongthe devotees. The Ashram authorities came to know about it when it was all over and, quite naturally, were indignant, for sitting on the...
Part 2 - Tales Of Ramana Maharshi Recounted By Chalam
Posted on 11:24 AM by Unknown
In front of the temple dedicated to Bhagavan’s mother a magnificent hall was built and a gorgeous sofa carved from a single block of black granite was placed in the hall for Bhagavan to sit on. When all was ready he was requested to move from the old hall to the new one. Bhagavan refused. A stone statue of him was being carved and he said, “The stone swami will sit on the stone sofa”. And it came true. Bhagavan used the stone sofa very little and only for the sake of the large gatherings which were brought by the news of his fatalillness. When...
Part 1 - Tales Of Ramana Maharshi Recounted By Chalam
Posted on 11:20 AM by Unknown
This happened about two years before Bhagavan’s Maha Nirvana. One morning Bhagavan was in the hall surrounded by devotees from many lands. It was time for lunch andeverybody was hungry. Some were already in the dining hall,waiting for Bhagavan to come. At that time Bhagavan was suffering from severe rheumatism in his knees, which wereswollen and gave him severe pain; to get up he had to rub them first to remove the stiffness and it would take some time.At last he got up slowly from the sofa, and leaning on his walking stick, was about to go through...
Glimpses Of Sri Ramana Maharshi By Raja Iyer
Posted on 11:05 AM by Unknown
IN 1911 when I was in the high school in Tiruvannamalai,Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi was living in Virupaksha Cave.At that time we boys would climb the Arunachala hill in small parties to visit Bhagavan. He was usually found sitting on the elevated place outside the cave. He would smile at us as a sign of recognition and would allow us to sit at his feet and sing devotional songs to our hearts’ content. When the singing was over, we would share with him the food we had brought and wash it down with the cool water from a spring just above the cave....
Which one to erase? By Ramana Maharshi Disciple Viswanathan
Posted on 4:04 AM by Unknown
The inner instruments consisting of mind(thoughts),Buddhi(intellect),chittam(memory) and ahamkara(I notion) known in sanskrit as antharkarna and collectively known as mind.Now the question arises which of the four affects jnani and ajnani and which one has to be erased. - With regards to manas(thoughts), a person cannot recognize objects without the thought of that object.When we see an object,unless the thought of object is recognized by the mind, the eye cannot recognize the object.For example if my concentration is else where and at that...
Friday, July 9, 2010
Its really Strange and mysterious world
Posted on 1:50 AM by Unknown
It is no wonder sri ramakrishna says inscrutable are the ways of god.We really cannot know him with our small intellect.Few Examples1) Noble Winner C.V Raman believes in God while Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who had a Nobel laureate in physics and who was the nephew of Indian Nobel Laureate Sir C. V. Raman does not believe in god 2) P.Chindambaram who graduated from harvard and who is our home minister does not believe in god while Abdul Kalam believes in god!!!!!!!There is a also book written on those athiests :-)Tamil Atheists: Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar,...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Swami Sivananda About MENTAL FACTORY
Posted on 4:16 AM by Unknown
Now I will take you to the most wonderful mental factory. It is very close to you; it is a wonder of wonders. Even a rank materialist, if he is very sincere, will be turned into a perfect theist, instantly, if he closes his eyes for a moment and seriously reflects on the working of this marvellous factory. The Kena Upanishad opens with the following lines: "Who is the Director of this mind? Who gives Light and Power to this mind?" It goes on "Brahman is the Mind of minds, the Prana (life) of pranas, the Eye of eyes, the Ear of ears." What a bold...
Ramana Maharshi Devotee Venkateswara Sarma Shares His Experiences
Posted on 12:43 AM by Unknown
A. Venkateswara Sarma and Smt. Sala SRI VENKATESWARA SARMA, a native of Keelapasalai Village, Ramnad Dt., is an old devotee of Sri Bhagavan,who along with his wife, Smt. Sala, equally devoted to Sri Bhagavan, lived in Sri Ramana Nagar. Both are closely related to Sri Bhagavan.For over a decade he studied the Kavya (poetical literature in Sanskrit) gaining mastery in the same and also became an adept in the science of astrology by training he had for years at Vidyalaya in Kerala. In his early days while staying at Kandanur,he had a remarkable experience....
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Major A.W. Chadwick Says Ramana Maharshi Was Deeply Interested In Construction His Mother's Samadhi
Posted on 10:45 AM by Unknown
BHAGAVAN WAS DEEPLY interested in the construction of the shrine built over his mother’s samadhi. He attended every function in connection with it, placing his hands in blessing on the various objects that were to be enclosed in the walls. At night, when no one was about, he would walk round and round the construction consecrating it. That he should take such a demonstrative part in anything has a very deep significance. It was extremely rare and has been doubted by many, but I myself was an eye-witness to these things and can vouch for their truth.He...
Swami Sivananda says Change Your Habits
Posted on 4:30 AM by Unknown
Mind is a bundle of habits. Bad habits and prejudices, hidden in one's nature, will be brought to the surface of the mind when the opportunity comes. If you change the habits you can also change your character. You sow a habit and reap a character. You sow a character and reap a destiny.Habits originate in the conscious mind but when they become established, by constant repetition, they sink into the unconscious mind and become our `second nature'. Habit can however be changed by a new, healthy, agreeable habit, of a stronger nature. At present...
Ramana Maharshi Suggests Let Each One Deal With Their Problems
Posted on 1:08 AM by Unknown
A TALK WITH SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI By Pryns HopkinsI asked whether, quite apart from whatever I thought, it wasn’t useful to have pointed out a way to those who were ripe for a new outlook. He countered with “Who thinks they are ready?’’The Maharshi went on to say that the essential thing is to divorce our sense of self from what our ego and our body are feeling or doing. We should think “Feelings are going on, this body is acting in such and such a manner”, but never “I feel, Iact.” What the body craves or does is not our affair. I then asked, “Have...
Ramana Maharshi Says Not To Fear To Lose Individuality
Posted on 1:00 AM by Unknown
Dr. Hand asked, “Is there not individuality? I fear to lose my individual being.”Sri Maharshi, “Why fear to lose individuality? What is your state in dreamless sleep? Are you conscious of your individuality then?”Dr. Hand, “It is possible.”Sri Maharshi, “But what is your experience? If the individuality be there would it be asleep?”Dr. Hand, “That depends on the interpretation. What does Maharshi say?”Sri Maharshi, “Maharshi does not speak for your experience. He does not force anything down your throat.”Dr. Hand, “I know. That is what I like so...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Suryanarayana Raju: In the awareness of Self-inquiry there is transmutation in our way of life
Posted on 8:44 PM by Unknown
At present our way of life is dictated by thought i.e mind and unfortunately it is behaving like our master now.Thought which is the outcome of past has not changed man from the time immemorial because past is limited and the action done through it is always incomplete resulting in perennial conflict and so brings fresh problems.The inner creates the outer and the outer shapes the inner and this ebb and flow ofaction and reaction is the movement of thought.Thought has made the thinker andthe same thought divides the thinker and the thought,tries...
Another Zen Story Regarding Mind
Posted on 5:46 AM by Unknown
Hogen, a Chinese Zen Master, lived alone in a small temple in the country. One day four travelling monks appeared and asked if they might make a fire in his yard to warm themselves. While they were building the fire, Hogen heard them arguing about subjectivity and objectivity. He joined them and said: " There is a big stone. Do you consider it to be inside or outside your mind?"One of the monks replied: "From the Buddhist view point, everything is an objectivity of mind, so I would say that the stone is inside my mind."Hogen then observed:...
Suryanarayana Raju: Self-inquiry is the way to go beyond the concept of death
Posted on 3:28 AM by Unknown
Body is a flux,continuously changing,moving.It has nothing of eternal in it.If you are identified with the body through 'I" thought ofcourse the fear of death will be constantly there.You can live but you can live only in fear.In fact, the body is dying every moment.The body dies every day.Death is a process.Death is not an event; it is a long process.By and by, the body comes to a point where it cannot hold itself.It disintegrates.How can one live? How can one celebrate? How can one dance and sing and be? Impossible.The death won’t allow it. The...
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