2-2-46 MorningA visitor told Bhagavan that he was working for Harijan uplift, that he and his co-workers in the cause had darshan of Mahatma Gandhi and got his blessings, that Mahatma Gandhi told them that if they could bring about marriages between Harijan girls and higher caste gentlemen, such marriages would have his blessings; and that he (visitor) would like to have Bhagavan’s views in the matter. Bhagavan said, “If Mahatma Gandhi has said so, we will all hear what he has said. What more is there for us to do? He is a distinguished man and...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Part 2 - Few Teachings Of Ramana Maharshi
Posted on 8:42 AM by Unknown
Since even (the gods) Vayu and Agni are unable to lift or burn a blade of grass, (in the presence of God), how can an ego-ridden person accomplish anything whatever (by his own endeavour, unsustained by Grace)? (91)“There are two Selves; the individual self is one; the Supreme is another,” so think the ignorant ones; the Self is only one, not two; the Supreme One is the Real (Self); the other one is a false appearance, (94)Though you may not believe all that is said of God, believe at least this much there. There is God. This seed is very potent...
Part 1 - Few Teachings Of Ramana Maharshi
Posted on 8:28 AM by Unknown
The truth about happiness and suffering, which has been correctly determined by the wise, is this: Outwardness of the mind is suffering; its inwardness is happiness.The Ordainer controls the fate of souls in accordance with their past deeds – their prarabdha karma. Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try how hard you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is for one is to be silent. (Maharshi’s Upadesa to this Mother in 1898)If one resorts to contemplation...
Hanuman Chalisa - Verse 4
Posted on 7:38 AM by Unknown
Verse 4Ram doot atulit bal dhama Anjani-putra Pavan sut nama Meaning:You are the divine messenger of Shri Ram. The repository of immeasurable strength, though known only as Son of Pavan (Wind), born of Anjani.Commentary By Prasanth JalasutramHere lord hanuman was praised as divine messenger of Lord Shri Ram.Also Lord hanuman is praised of having immeasurable strength.In this verse Tulsidas shows the importance of lord capabilities when descended as a human avatar.Though god comes as a human avatar and comes from a women's womb we should...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hanuman Chalisa - Verse 3
Posted on 8:54 AM by Unknown
Verse 3Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagarJai Kapis tihun lok ujagarMeaning:Victory to thee, O'Hanuman! Ocean of Wisdom-All hail to you O'Kapisa! (fountain-head of power,wisdom and Shiva-Shakti) You illuminate all the three worlds (Entire cosmos) with your glory.Commentary By Prasanth JalasutramHere god is glorified which reminds us that bhakthi bhava towards god is very important.It is only by the power of the god that all the three worlds are illuminated.Here three worlds that are referred are devaloka (world of the celestials), manusyaloka(this world...
Ramana Maharshi Says Intellect Cannot Help To Know What Is Beyond Itself
Posted on 7:03 AM by Unknown
1st February, 1939Talk 618.A gentleman from Hardwar: When I go on analysing myself I go beyond the intellect, and then there is no happiness.M.: Intellect is only an instrument of the Self. It cannot help you to know what is beyond itself.D.: I understand it. But there is no happiness beyond it.M.: The intellect is the instrument wherewith to know unknown things.But you are already known, being the Self which is itself knowledge;so you do not become the object of knowledge. The intellect makes you see things outside, and not that which is its own...
Ramana Maharshi Describes The Way Doubts Are To Be Cleared
Posted on 7:00 AM by Unknown
1st February, 1939Talk 618.D.: Doubts are always arisingM.: A doubt arises and is cleared; another arises and that is cleared,making way for another, and so it goes on. So there is no possibility of clearing away all doubts. See to whom the doubts arise. Go to their source and abide in it. Then they cease to arise. That is how doubts are to be cleared. Atma samstham manah krtva na kinchidapi chintayet.D.: Grace alone can help me to it.M.: Grace is not exterior. In fact your very desire for grace is due to grace that is already in you.Source: Talks...
Hanuman Chalisa - Verse 2
Posted on 6:30 AM by Unknown
Verse 2Budhi Hin Tanu Janike Sumirau Pavan Kumar Bal budhi Vidya dehu mohe Harahu Kalesa Vikar Meaning:Fully aware of the deficiency of my intelligence, I concentrate my attention on Pavan Kumar and humbly ask for strength, intelligence and true knowledge to relieve me of all blemishes, causing pain.Commentary By Prasanth JalasutramIn this verse complete surrender to god is recommended.As ramana maharshi says surrender of our mind/ego is really like surrending to god.We completly surrender to god to gain strength,intelligence which will...
Ramana Maharshi Says Ego Will Develop If One Thinks That One Knows Everything
Posted on 12:27 AM by Unknown
31st December, 1945During the first week of last month, on one morning, an ignorant traveller came to the Ashram and, after staying here for two or three days, and in accordance with the saying “satra bhojanam matha nidra” (eating in choultries, sleeping in mutts)went away to eat and stay elsewhere, but was all the same coming here for some days enjoying the bliss of staying near and having the darshan of Bhagavan. Before leaving this town he approached Bhagavan one day with great hesitation and said, in humble tones, “Swami, the people sitting...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Confirms "Bhramarakita Nyaya" Belief
Posted on 8:45 AM by Unknown
Meanings of few technical terms in the articlegrub - A soft thick wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insectshives - A structure that provides a natural habitation for bees; as in a hollow treewasp - Insects having two pairs of membranous(similar) wings and an ovipositor(organ) specialized for stinging(biting) or piercingoffal - Viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal often considered inedible by humansTalk 592.The Punjabi gentleman referred to the popular belief of a worm being metamorphosed to a wasp (bhramarakita nyaya) which Sri...
Ramana Maharshi About Priya, Moda And Pramoda
Posted on 1:53 AM by Unknown
26th October, 1938Talk 566Atma is always Sat-Chit-Ananda. Of these, the first two are experienced in all the states, whereas the last one is said to be experienced in sleep only.The question arises how the true nature of the Self can be lost in the waking and dream states.It is,really speaking,not lost.In sleep there is no mind and the Self shines as Itself,whereas in the other two states what shines forth is the reflected light of the Self.Ananda is felt after the cessation of thoughts in sleep. It is also manifest onother occasions as love, joy,...
Image Of Ramana Maharshi Devotee Suri Nagamma
Posted on 1:18 AM by Unknown
Suri Nagamma came to guru Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi at 1941.She was born in guntur district,andhra pradesh in the year 1902.Below Photo was scanned from Arunachala's Ramana Volume V Bo...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Says Waking State Will Not Appear A Dream Till We Wake Up Into Jnana
Posted on 10:11 AM by Unknown
8-9-45 MorningAnother Visitor: It is said that our waking life is also a dream, similar to our dream during sleep. But in our dreams we make no conscious effort to get rid of the dream and to awake, but the dream itself comes to an end without any effort on our part and we become awake. Similarly why should not the waking state, which is in reality only another sort of dream, come to an end of its own accord, and without any effort on our part, and land us in jnana or real awakening?Bhagavan: Your thinking that you have to make an effort to get...
50 Divine Thoughts Courtesy Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham
Posted on 5:16 AM by Unknown
Source And Courtesy : http://www.kamakoti.org/miscl/divine50.htmlThe medicine of Grace to wipe out our sorrows is to develop unshakable faith in God and tolerance is the medicine of Grace to wipe out our sorrows. Bhakti alone can give us the capacity to put up with sorrows. Temples are the agencies for developing that Bhakti. Hence, the need for temples at all places. All offerings to the deities in the temples are tokens of our gratitude to God.That which is within all, which is seen as "This" is the source. He who is within and sees as "This"...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hanuman Chalisa - Verse 1
Posted on 8:31 AM by Unknown
Verse 1Shri Guru Charan Saroj Raj Nij mane mukure sudhar Varnao Raghuvar Vimal Jasu Jo dayaku phal char Meaning:After cleansing the mirror of my mind with the pollen dust of holy Guru's Lotus feet. I Profess the pure,untainted glory of Shri Raghuvar which bestows the four-fold fruits of life.(Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha).Commentary By Prasanth JalasutramSo here purification of mind is the preliminary step.There are various ways to purify our mind like association with sages,participating in satsangh like this forum,renounciation of...
Ramana Maharshi Says Though There Is Diversity In The World A Unity Runs Through The Diversity
Posted on 7:44 AM by Unknown
22nd August, 1938Talk 507D. DevoteeM. Ramana MaharshiD.: Aurobindo does not approve of castes. Do you approve of them?M.: As for Aurobindo, you ask him. As for my opinion, how does it matter to you? How will it be of use to you? Have you got any opinion on the matter? That alone will affect you, not the opinion of others.D.: I do not approve of the caste system. Mahatma’s opinion is valuable as a guidance. I want your blessings in my attempts. M.: Mahatma has told you to seek and find your Self. You will not do it but require his blessings.D.:...
Ramana Maharshi says Objects Existence Are Dependent On Subject
Posted on 7:38 AM by Unknown
22nd August, 1938Talk 507D.: Object existence is independent of the subject.M.: Do the objects exist in the absence of the subject?M.: Do you say that they exist, or do they come and announce their existence to you?D.: I know that they exist.M.: So it is your knowledge of them only. Their existence is not absolute.D.: Even if I did not know they will continue to exist.M.: Do you claim their existence in the absence of your knowledge of them?(Laughter).Source: Talks With Ramana Maharshi BookMore Over In Shankaracharya's Drik Drisya Vivekam it is...
Ramana Maharshi : How Did We Get The Body
Posted on 6:05 AM by Unknown
12th July, 1938Talk 501.A young Mysorean asked:D.: How did I get this body?M.: You speak of ‘I’ and the ‘body’. There is the relationship between the two. You are not therefore the body. The question does not occur to the body because it is inert. There is an occasion when you are not aware of the body - namely, in deep sleep. The question does not arise then. Nevertheless you are there in sleep. To whom does the question arise now?D.: The ego.M.: Yes. The body and the ego rise up together and sink together. There is an occasion when you are not...
Vedic Thought
Posted on 6:03 AM by Unknown
while the fire is engaged in the mega project of burning down wild forests, the air keeps him hearty company as the best friend. But when the same fire tries to keep alive a wick lamp the air haughtily destroys it by putting out the lamp by show of great force. The world is like this. No one wants the friendship of a person when he has become we...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ramana Maharshi Says Unless The Realisation Be Eternal It Cannot Serve Any Useful Purpose
Posted on 7:21 AM by Unknown
Talk 469What is Realisation? Is it to see God with four hands, bearing conch, wheel, club, etc.? Even if God should appear in that form,how is the disciple’s ignorance wiped out? The truth must be eternal realisation. The direct perception is ever-present Experience.God Himself is known as directly perceived. It does not mean that He appears before the devotee as said above. Unless the Realisation be eternal it cannot serve any useful purpose. Can the appearance with four hands be eternal realisation? It is phenomenal and illusory.There must be...
Ramana Maharshi About Explorers(Especially For Some Scientific Purpose)
Posted on 6:08 AM by Unknown
12th February, 1938Talk 457.Mrs. Rosita Forbes was said to be in India. Sri Bhagavan said: The explorers seek happiness in finding curiosities, discovering new lands and undergoing risks in adventures. They are thrilling. But where is pleasure found? Only within. Pleasure is not to be sought in the external world.Source: Talks With Ramana Maharshi BookExplorers - Someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpo...
Ramana Maharshi Says Due To The Samskaras Of The Jagrat State We Remember Dreams
Posted on 3:26 AM by Unknown
15th April, l937Talk 399.Mr. Bose, the Bengali Engineer, has since read Gaudapada Karikas and Sir S. Radhakrishnan’s Indian Philosophy and so asked questions as follows:D.: Is there any genuine difference between dream experience and waking state?M.: Because you find the dream creations transitory in relation to the waking state there is said to be a difference. The difference is only apparent and not real.D.: Is the waking state independent of existing objects?M.: Were it so, the objects must exist without the seer; that is to say,the object must...
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